
“Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. “

The Six Million Dollar Man

None have known the true harshness of space like those aboard CAINE-1. For thousands of years, the Augencore have used technology to shape their bodies into perfect machines, hardened by the unforgiving void. With a dying engine, and news that Earth is once more habitable, the Augencore return to Earth, bolstered by the prospect of home.

Find what you can build yourself to be.


Typical Deck Archetype:
Styles of Play:
Combo: Use the interaction of two or more cards (a “combination”) to create a powerful Unit that either wins the game immediately or creates a situation that subsequently leads to a win.

Aggro-Control-Combo: Combine efficient, Unit-based damage, heavy disruption elements, and an Ability to unleash massive damage that can end the game in “combo” fashion.
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