Card Types

Parallel Cards are beautifully designed and include a variety of components. This page is meant to define and demystify them.

Card Breakdown

Every Parallel Card is created with the same basic elements. The top part of the card is the art, while the bottom includes an information bar. We’ll discuss the different bar colors, rarities, and edition sizes in the next section. Here are the seven elements that make up the info bar:

Card Info Bars

As mentioned above, Info Bars define a card’s name, rarity, and class. The images below will guide you through the full range of rarities and classes for Parallel.
Rarity: Common.
Bar Color: Blue.
Edition Size: Two – five digits.
Special Note: You can have three copies of a Common card in your deck.
Rarity: Uncommon.
Bar Color: Purple.
Edition Size: Two – five digits.
Special Note: You can have three copies of an Uncommon card in your deck.
Rarity: Rare
Bar Color: Gold
Edition Size: Two – five digits
Special Note: You can have 3 copies of a Rare card in your deck.
Rarity: Legendary
Bar Color: Orange
Edition Size: Two – five digits
Special Note: You can have only one copy of a Legendary in your deck.
Class: Perfect Loop [PL]
Bar Color: Red
Edition Size: Two – five digits
Special Note:
Class: Special Edition [SE]
Bar Gradient: Blue/Green/Purple
Edition Size: Two – five digits
Special Note:
Class: Prime
Bar Color: Grey
Edition Size: One – four digits
Special Note: The grey bar denotes a Prime Asset.
Class: Prime
Bar Color: Green Gradient
Edition Size: One – four digits
Special Note: The green gradient bar denotes a Prime Rarity. The white QR code denotes a Card Back. The color scheme is different than the above Prime Key to differentiate Assets and Card Backs.
Class: First Edition
Bar Color: Green Gradient
Edition Size: One – four digits
Special Note: The green gradient bar denotes a Prime Rarity. The green gradient QR code denotes a First Edition class. Some of the early Prime Rarity cards were created with this special color scheme but its use has since been discontinued.
Card Trees
These Card Trees explain the relationship between each class and rarity, so that you can understand how they are organized. This organization determines the color of the Card Info Bar and QR.
First Edition cards also known as FE cards are divided into four rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary.
Special Edition cards also known as SE cards are divided into four rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary.
Perfect Loop cards also known as PL cards are divided into four rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary.
Card Backs, Assets, Art Cards, and Masterpieces are consolidated into one rarity: Prime.
Echoes are a new edition of digital collectable card created by replicating an original digital asset card through the Replication System. They have higher edition sizes than their parent card and can also have slight cosmetic differences.

For more information you can see the Echoes page.
The purpose of Apparitions is to make playing the Parallel TCG extremely accessible. They are non-tradeable broadly affordable versions of their corresponding digital collectible parent card. Apparitions will be acquirable through apparition packs. Unwanted/duplicate apparitions will be able to be sliced in exchange for Cartel Credits. These credits may then be used to broker with the Echelon Cartel in exchange for specific apparitions you’re looking for.
See Lineage for more information regarding Echoes.
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