
“A system of cells interlinked within, cells interlinked within cells interlinked, within one stem.”


The Kathari were born from necessity – a need to survive in the harsh and frozen depths of Europa. Underground, they thrived, engineering their own bodies to adapt to any environment. Now, after thousands of years of cloning and adaptations, the threat of genetic decay looms large and heavy over their heads. They return to Earth, hoping to find the key to their salvation.

Adapt and survive. Your many lives await.


Typical Deck Archetype:
Styles of Play:
Combo: Use the interaction of two or more cards (a “combination”) to create a powerful Unit that either wins the game immediately or creates a situation that subsequently leads to a win.

Midrange: Early game ramp energy and control, and begin to play threats once reaching three to five energy in the Power Bank.
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