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The Priming Comic Series

On Saturday, Parallel will be dropping the inaugural issue of their new comic, The Priming. Aside from all of the current playing cards and their flavor texts, this marks the first official expansion of their lore since it originally emerged over a year and a half ago.  

Recently, Parallel hosted a Twitter Spaces to discuss the comic and how it all came together. I’ve shared a few nuggets from that discussion below, but I highly suggest you give it a listen.

First of all, you’re not just getting a typical digital PDF comic. You’re getting a top-shelf product from Parallel, made in conjunction with the Royal Academy of Illustration and Design (RAID Collective). That alone has the community buzzing about the type of robust, eye-popping panels this comic might have.

Secondly, while each issue will focus on an individual faction, the six-part series will connect all five Parallels to a broader story arc. As the team shared on Twitter, Issue 1 starts in a “pre-war” time period and ends with everyone “going to war” in Issue 6. By the series’ conclusion, the battle lines will be drawn, the backstories will be more defined, and the true depth of the Parallel universe will be revealed.

Thirdly, it sounds like we’ll be meeting some new characters that were made specifically for the comic. That means we might be uncovering future trading cards and in-game abilities without even knowing it. Forward and backward compatibility is a key element of the Parallel franchise, so I won’t be surprised if some of these new characters eventually find their way into the game.

Next, there will be a collection of special digital and physical items included with some of the comics. Six different types of card backs will be randomly inserted into the CE and Prime versions, and holders of these versions of the comic can also redeem them (no burn required) for a physical version. Then there’s the deluxe hardcover comic, which can be earned by collecting a full set (all six total) of any version.

Last but not least, there are the Prime Shards.

For now, all we know is that these shards are part of a new collecting “metagame” that Parallel will introduce in the future. If you can power up and assemble the shard with the proper materials, it may allow you to earn other special or limited-edition items.

Lots of intrigue. Lots of possibilities. This is the Parallel way.

As we eagerly await Saturday’s experience, let’s shine a quick spotlight on the three different covers for Issue 1. Next week, I’ll offer up a short recap and reflection on the comic. In the meantime, feel free to ping me on Discord (Goldy_TGG#9818) if you want to chat about any of the Parallel lore!

First Edition: Sasha Vinogradova

The FE cover (2,333 issues) features Soleia, Disciple of Gaffar. This close-up version of Soleia enriches the details seen on the original card, which was designed by Nacho Yagüe. Her skin’s unique complexion and patterns (it could potentially be a type of war paint), along with her piercing eyes, are further illuminated by the eerie Primal Shard in her outstretched hand.

“Gaffar gave us his words of wisdom. Fear not the dark times, for I will show you their meaning.”

With the eagerness and determination of a steadfast Earthen disciple, I can’t wait to see what type of role Soleia plays in the war to come.

Collector’s Edition: Joe Vriens

The CE version (1,000 issues) features an unknown Earthen warrior. At first, I assumed that this was a Battle-Hardened Warrior, but there’s way more to him than meets the eye. Peering out from behind his weathered shield, you can see his unique markings and a beaded necklace wrapped snugly around his forehead. He’s clearly not someone to trifle with, but I’m still looking forward to meeting him in Issue 1.

Prime Edition: Matteo Scalera

The Prime version (100 issues) features the venerable and wise Gaffar. The pulsating stream of energy coming from (or going into) his legendary Peace Pipe is a prominent element on the cover, adding to the mystical allure of his role as an Earthen leader. His contemplative eyes lead me to believe he’s in a state of flow, possibly strategizing a key part of the battle or determining the fate of his kin.
