About Us

Ecosystem Resources

The Echeclon Ecosystem is an ever-growing and evolving place. Find more tools below.

Sanctuary - PRIME Marketplace

Sanctuary (https://www.sanctuary.online/) is an Echelon Prime native marketplace built to trade Parallel TCG assets. Read more.



Prime Pulls

Prime Pulls (https://www.primepulls.com/) is a card collection checking tool for up to five distinct wallets.


Inb0x (https://inb0x.life/) is a wallet-to-wallet communication system that Parallel built for secure messaging.

Paraset Checker

Paraset Checker (https://parasets.parallel.life/) is a Parallel Paraset tool that tells a user which sets of cards they have in their wallet.

The Priming

Priming (priming.xyz) is a card market pricing tool that allows users to view cards and set prices, price changes, and more. It is currently under construction.

Parallel Decks

Parallel Decks (https://app.paralleldecks.xyz/) is a deck-building and set rewards monitoring tool.


Parallel-Info (https://www.parallel-info.com/) is an information resource that explains the basics of Parallel and Echelon in six different languages.