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Parallel Recap: Oct 24th – Oct 31st

Hello and welcome back to my weekly recap. I’m Lleeto and I look forward to documenting the Parallel and Echelon events that have happened this week.

Pumpkin art competition, comic release, plus more!


Issue 1 – The Priming was released!

The art and story really didn’t disappoint. Below you can see a snippet of it that was shared on Twitter.

Comic Card Backs:

Six new Comic-themed Card Backs were released along with the Comic.

Comic Opening Experience:

If you didn’t get the chance to buy a comic and enjoy the opening experience you can watch it below.

If only everyone was lucky enough to pull the Gaffar art cover.

Prime Shard Video:

Those lucky enough to open a Comic also received the Prime Shard which was accompanied by this event video. Throughout, you can see very brief video of the Parallel landscapes we have seen over the past couple of months. This has further increased community speculation into what the Prime Shard’s role in the Parallel ecosystem is going to be.


As you can see – there have been some absolutely insanely good entries so far so the competition is hot!

Below you can see pumpkin art of Sixth Palm of Galli, Orbital Strike, and Repurposed Hardware.


J.N.Silva and his partner look spot-on dressed as Gaffar and Soleia for Halloween.

New Card Art:

//Augencore: Bionic Tweaker


The Echelon October update was released which you can read here. Below I will highlight a few of the points that can be found within.

Upcoming Dates

October 31 — Prime Event 4 Window Closed

November 1 — Prime Event 4 Block Revealed

The ability of Prime holders to vote to abstain on community proposals as previously discussed in the Echelon September recap will not be going ahead. Echelon feels after feedback and further review that this would increase voter turnout, but not have captured sentiment.

1.7m Prime will be released to the community through Prime Event 4 bringing the total distribution from Prime Events to 8.3m. At the time of writing, caching emissions were at 4.4m. After Prime Event 4 nearly 12% of the total Prime supply will be owned by community members.

Desktop to Mobile:

A concept look at how the Parallel TCG may look on your mobile devices.

Paragon Emote:


Thanks For Reading.

I hope I have helped to keep you up-to-date with the Parallel world. If you have any questions then please feel free to tag me on Twitter @Lleeto26. Don’t forget to follow @Primewiki so you don’t miss future posts. We have some exciting stuff planned that we think you’ll enjoy.
