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Kathari vs. Marcolian – Gameplay Example

This week I’m starting a new series called Gameplay Examples. This series walks you through what it is like to play Parallel TCG, which is still in closed grey box testing. The team looks to open up for alpha and beta testing in 2023 prior to the eventual game launch.

Card functions are available on Parallel.Life and will be discussed at length here in this example.


A Parallel TCG game begins the same way every time. Each player is presented with their Paragon for their chosen Parallel and draws five cards from their deck. The player that goes first is assigned randomly every game. In this example, we are playing Kathari and get to go first.

Muck and Muck Results

These two cards highlighted in red don’t fit our early game strategy so we decide to muck and draw two new cards.

We get a couple of cards that do fit our strategy, so the muck result is net positive. Generally when fighting Marco, it’s good to have some early damage on hand to address their aggressive units. The Marco mucks and draws new cards, and now we’re ready to begin playing.

Bank Select and Kath Turn One

I want to do some quick damage and get board presence early, so I bank a card, and play Mercenary Gunslinger to do one damage to Face.

Marco Response

The Marco response is swift as they bank a card and play a Mercenary Gunslinger to clear board.

Kath Turn Two

We draw Maritus, bank her, and then play Cunning Scipian. We end our turn and Cunning Scipian generates a Kathari Iterant. Cunning Scipian card function reads, “AT THE END OF YOUR TURN, IF YOU HAVE A UNIT IN YOUR BANK, CREATE A 1/1 KATHARI ITERANT ON THE FIELD.” We banked a Unit in turn one, Beloved Donor, so we get the benefit of Kathari Iterant played onto the board.

This helps build back our board presence and keep the Marco’s busy. It’s key to keep board presence when playing Marco, especially against the Paragon of Catherine. This is primarily due to her ability, which is: “At the end of your turn, this Unit attacks a random enemy target. This combat ignores Defender.” Catherine has to be on the board for this ability to take place.

Marco Response Two

Speeding things up a bit here, the Marco player banks a card, plays Iron Corps Rifleman, does one damage to face with ICR, and trades their MG for our Cunning Scipian. This removes the multiplying effect of CS at the end of our next turn and leaves us with just one clone on the board.

Kath Turn Three

On turn three, we bank PS-8 Launcher, play Progenitor Pod, and trade our Kathari Iterant for their ICR. We take these actions in this order, because we want the benefit of adding a counter onto Progenitor Pod when our unit is destroyed while clearing board.

Marco Response Three

Marco responds by using Annihilate to remove Progenitor Pod and clear the board, getting us to our near term board state.

Board State at Turn Three

Board State at Turn Three is clear, and each player has built up some energy in their bank. We’ll return next week with another installation on gameplay, and we hope you enjoyed this initial example.
