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Parallel Recap: Dec 5th – Dec 12th

Hello and welcome back to my weekly recap. I’m Lleeto and I look forward to documenting the Parallel and Echelon events that have happened this week.

First Prime Sink, Artigraphs, Ardent Prime, and more!


The first Prime sink is live!

Artigraphs are relatively rare with only 24 signed cards available for each playable card name. The 24 available artigraphs per card name are spread across their first edition [18], special edition [8/4], and perfect loop[4]. In many cases where a card doesn’t have a perfect loop version, the special edition version has 8 possible signed copies instead of 4.

The Prime price for signing cards is 300 for FEs, 450 for SEs, and 480 for PLs to reflect their relative rarity. 11% of the proceeds are given to the artists directly.

It’s important to note that signed cards are not eligible for caching at this time due to limitations existing in the Prime Set caching smart contract. Artigraphing a card does not affect its rewards from Prime Events. Signed and non-singed versions of the same card will receive the same reward at Prime Event 5.

Artigraph FAQ.

There were mixed opinions originally from community members with some thinking the PRIME price for Artigraphs was too high. However, the first-ever PRIME sink seems to be a success with many cards being signed and a huge ~3% of PRIME flowing through the sink. You can track how much PRIME the sink is absorbing after the artist’s percentage is removed here.

This community member put together a great tweet recap of some of the data gathered within 24 hours of the sink being live.

First Ever PS15 FE Signed Set:

Very active community member wowsuchco1n managed to be swift and create the first ever PS15 FE Signed Set of cards. Such an epic set to have.

Artigraph Sink Prime Flow:

Next Sink Coming Soon?:

Echelon Bulletin 22.02:

On December 8th, Echelon shared its latest bulletin with proposed updates to the Echelon ecosystem. This bulletin had proposed updates to sinks, lineage, Ardent Prime, and more. Again, these are suggested changes and nothing is final.

Below I will talk about some of the major talking points. I suggest you read the whole Bulletin for yourself here.

One of the key focus shifts is the general idea to focus more on rewarding active players from gameplay rather than passive holders. Echelon proposes that players who earn PRIME actively from gameplay are more likely to utilize that PRIME for in-game benefits.

So with that being said: they propose that the 10% PRIME staking pool be redistributed with 7% going to the Gameplay pool and 3% to Echelon.

Echelon says data modeling revealed that the gameplay pool percentage should increase to preserve the long-term sustainability of the ecosystem as it scales. So when gameplay emissions for PRIME are at 100%, a linear 30-month taper of the Prime Set pool will begin. To offset this, and the negative impact this has on Prime Set rewards, Echelon proposes that all future Parasets released after the Parallel Base Set will not be Prime Sets. This would mean that only Parallel Base Set Parasets would be eligible to be cached for PRIME.

Again, with the focus on rewarding active players, Echelon proposes to remove the Keyframe modifier rake from The Core. Instead, The Core will increase the number of PRIME wins the player can have per day, by one. For context, the Bulletin states that there is a limited number of matches in which a player can win PRIME per day. This number will be set at the average amount of games played per day, plus one. The system will take your highest PRIME wins from the whole day and reward you the PRIME from those matches.

This next proposed change maybe caused the most debate and feedback from the community. As things stand, EPs can internally vote up to four EPs to continue for the following term. However, a single EP must be elected via community vote at least once every two years. Echelon proposes a change to this that would mean any number of EPs can be internally voted to remain, as long as that number doesn’t make up the majority of the council. Additionally, a single EP wouldn’t have to be elected by the community at least once every two years, meaning an EP could essentially stay for 11 years without the community having a say.

After discussions with the EPs in Discord, it seems they admit that they may have had oversight in some areas. This is why it’s important for things to be put to the community for discussion and voting.

Ardent Prime:

Details of the Ardent Prime Rewards Program were revealed during the latest Bulletin from Echelon. These rewards, as well as the structure, proposed a mixed opinion from the community. Some wanted more, and some were satisfied. A couple of the claims of those who aren’t too happy feel that Card Back fatigue is occurring and that there need to be more tiers as previously said to reward those who have collected more and for longer. Are you happy with the Ardent Prime rewards?

Prime Unlock Discussion:

Voting to unlock the PRIME token is right around the corner. The community can begin voting on January 1st to unlock it, but what are the pros and cons of unlocking as soon as possible or waiting? This conversation will be held in the Echelon Discord on Wednesday, December 14 at noon ET.

Join the Echelon Discord here.

New Card Art:

Universal// Lord Harf, Carter Treasurer
Earthen// Shallow Grave [Token: created from Tane]
Kathari// Gallian Iterant [Token: created from Seeing Triple]
Kathari// Recombinant Clone [Token: created from Gallian Recombinant]

Kalos Prime Factory:

Kalos tweet thread talking about a dutch auction-Esque contract Parallel is working on that allows composability to work, benefits the velocity of sinks, and increases demand on the Prime token.

Parallel Early Access Twitter Spaces Talk:

Shortly after Parallel early access sign-ups were enabled, Fitch booted up a Twitter spaces to talk about it with CL and Kalos. They mentioned that the following months are action-packed with a lot of cool stuff starting to come to the surface.

Concept Design:

More images from Parallel concept designer, Kristoffer Brady for the Marcolian Remote Terminal Control Unit [RTCU].

You can see this RTCU in these below previously released images.

Paragon Emote:

Thanks For Reading.

I hope I have helped to keep you up-to-date with the Parallel world. If you have any questions then please feel free to tag me on Twitter @Lleeto26. Don’t forget to follow @Primewiki so you don’t miss future posts. We have some exciting stuff planned that we think you’ll enjoy.
