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Parallel Recap: Dec 19th – Jan 2nd

Hello and welcome back to my weekly recap. I’m Lleeto and I look forward to documenting the Parallel and Echelon events that have happened over the past two weeks of 2022.

I hope I have helped to keep you up-to-date with the Parallel and Echelon world this past year. I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read and all your comments are always appreciated.

Pack Drop 6:

The final pack drop of the Parallel base set is coming.

Echelon Prime Unlock Options:

The final three unlock options for the PRIME token have been chosen with help from the community. Voting will begin on January 4th. Make sure to keep up to date with Echelon to see when voting goes live. The PrimeWiki Twitter account will be sure to post when this begins to ensure you don’t miss out.

Remember to claim PRIME on echelon.io before January 4. Snapshot will not allow you to vote with PRIME claimed after voting has begun.

Echelon December Recap:

Be sure to read the Echelon recap for December here. Below I will talk a little bit about a new approach to transparency spoken about in the recap.

Going forward EPs will conduct an internal survey where they will rate each other on relative contribution. Starting in term two, Echelon will release a version of these results quarterly. Along with the survey, each EP will publish a summary of their areas of focus and accomplishments. 

Below you can see the results of their first internal survey.

Festive Competition:

It’s that time of year again for the Parallel baking competition!

Bake something Parallel related and post a picture or video of it to Twitter with #ParallelBakes for a chance to win this McGoogus-inspired Parallel festive sweater. Winners will be chosen soon in the new year!

My personal favorite competition entry so far has to be this recreation of Gaia’s Call made by YummyBear.

The knives are real:

Memento of the fallen has been brought to life! How to obtain this physical version is yet to be revealed. However, one can assume for now that it can be reserved in the future via the Overclock Key.

What are Glints?:

In typical Kalos fashion, he hints at some alpha on Twitter. This time revealing a method for achieving value accrual to network participants. I am super intrigued to see what this is.

Sink Data:

Below you can see how much Prime has moved through each PRIME sink. Data captured 8:40 pm EST 2nd January.


Parallel has hinted at Avatars and a ‘PFP’ line for a while now so when they tweeted this image the community naturally jumped to the conclusion that this has something to do with them.

New Cards:

//Earthen: Grove Tender [Token created from Tree of Nehemiah]
//Marcolian: Vanguard Infiltrator [Token created from Lemieux, Master Commando]
//Kathari: Gnaeus’s Vanguard [Token created from Valerusi Cohorts]
//Kathari: Aetio’s Iterant [Token created from Aetio, Exalted Hydrolist]
//Shroud: Corrupted Vision [Token created from Brand, Steward Eternal]
//Augencore: Defense Juggernaut 1, 2, and 3 [Tokens created from Juggernaut Workshop]

There are many more images of the Defence Juggernaut art here.

Bulk Vault Withdraw Fees:

Parallel Framed Art:

PapaClarky got this Parallel landscape framed and it looks amazing.


A lot of equipment was released over the past two weeks. To keep things tidy I have linked to each piece instead of posting them all here.

Kathari // Gallian Orator [clothing equipment]
Augencore // Pilot [clothing equipment]
Kathari // Children of Europa Uniform
Kathari // Gallian Orator [Clothing equipment]
Augencore // Pilot [Clothing equipment]
Augencore // helmet color variants [Helment equipment]
Shroud // 9XE Helmet [variations]

Physical Card:

Just teasing us at this point.

Kalos Happy Holidays:

Thanks For Reading.

If you have any questions then please feel free to tag me on Twitter @Lleeto26. Don’t forget to follow @Primewiki so you don’t miss future posts. We have some exciting stuff planned that we think you’ll enjoy.
