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11 Takeaways from the Parallel Dev Stream

This week, some of the Parallel team jumped on a call with The Real Cabrera and a few other prominent people in the Trading Card Game space to discuss Parallel. They played this video in the background and discussed the upcoming game release:

Here is the list of attendees pulled from the tweet Fitch sent out. Twitter handles:








Give them all a follow for their game content and sparkling personalities!

The TLDR List

Disclaimer – the game is in active development and subject to change. Anything discussed in the video or written about here should not be considered final.

1. Disco Key Out of Game Function aka DKOOGF

The DKGOOF was finally revealed and it had the community buzzing aka typing furiously in the chat. What is it? A reservation for an avatar. What do we know about the Avatar program? Not much. Details are tbd. What we do know is Prismatic Keys flew. Head to Parallel’s Discord Server and ask Dave for the flying Prismatic key.

2. Free to Play

Free, free, free. The game will be free to play for everyone. So, for those of you battered by the parasite that is the gaming industry, having been Nickel and Dimed over the years, you can rest easy. The team has taken a Game FirstTM approach to ensure not to alienate anyone. They don’t want anyone to feel like the game is pay to play, rather their aim is to appeal to gamers at large.

3. Closed Alpha is coming in Feb

The highly anticipated Closed Alpha is coming in February. A precise date is still tbd but Feb is still the target. Many are chomping at the bit to find out if they are on the list.

4. The Cataclysm

Fitch hit us with the lore by explaining the background for the game. Long story short, the inhabitants of Earth were searching for an energy solution to the energy crisis of their time, and they had an oopsie. Check out the story here: Parallel Story.

Quick side bar on that. Niamh, pronounced NEEV, is one of the Paragons for Shroud. She narrates the teaser trailer for the Closed Alpha. The video begins with her saying, “There was a Cataclysm.” It reminded me of Wilhelm Dafoe’s declaration in The Boondock Saints after the brothers have a shoot out with their dad. ‘THERE WAS A FIRE FIGHT!’ She was a little more subtle though.

5. The Perfect Source of Energy = Prime

Noted Marcolian supporter Fitch described Prime as the perfect energy source. Everyone knows you can’t trust the Marcolian’s but I think this time around we will. The symmetry is cool. Prime is a precious resource in the lore, and the $PRIME token will be a precious resource in the game ecosystem.

6. Gameplay

There was lots of talk about gameplay. Thankfully, for a fee to MrGone.ETH, Kohji was able to give us the highlights:

7. The Closed Alpha Teaser Details

We learned that the video is close to gameplay but not the final form. The playfield can change, the iconography can change, but with the cards complete for the base set, it’s still a good representation of what we can expect.

8. MrGone is Anti Mana

Don’t talk to him about mana guys.

9. Incorporating Resource Management into the Game is Important

Back to the mechanics!

10. The Game Team took their favorite card games, smashed their good bits together, and removed the things that sucked.

The Game team wanted to build something fun that other people enjoyed playing. I think that comes through in what they say. When we hear them talk about the game they’re earnest. They’ve been formed by their gaming experiences over the years and those experiences helped them decide what to add to Parallel.

11. Tournaments

There was a good portion of the call focused on Tournaments. The team showed that they were on top of this. They talked about having time slot based tournaments throughout the day – similar to Rocket League. They also mentioned tournaments with different types of entry requirements. Another topic was potential support for community run tournaments. They really showed that they want to foster the growth of the game by thinking about what will be engaging for gamers.

My closing thoughts on the call are that it’s an exciting time. The team is sharing more about what they have built with the community, and the day that a large group of gamers gets to play Parallel’s Closed Alpha is near.
