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Parallel Weekly Recap: Jan 23rd – Jan 30th

Hello, and welcome back to The Weekly Recap. I’m Lleeto, a PrimeWiki co-founder, and I look forward to documenting the Parallel and Echelon events that have happened over the past week. If you’d like to play Parallel then you can use our referral link here to get started.

Game Cellar

PrimeWiki will be featured in the Game Cellar’s Wednesday show where they will go into more detail about the events mentioned in these weekly recaps!

First Contact Logs – Cinematic

Parallel shared some mind blowing cinematic teasers this. What are they cooking??

Lost Logs Retrieved – Cinematic

Echelon Prime Event – Planetfall

Prime Events have rewarded active Parallel community members for years and now they are back to reward collectors of the first Parallel TCG expansion, Platnetfall.

60,000 $PRIME will be distributed amongst holders of the following Planetfall sets.

– 12,000 for FE Sets
– 38,000 for SE Sets
– 10,000 for NL Sets

Within each Set category, $PRIME is distributed equally between all five Parallels. An announcement of the future snapshot date, to determine final allocations, is coming soon.

You can buy, sell, and trade the Planetfall collection on the Echelon-made Marketplace, Sanctuary, or over on Opensea.

Planetfall Sets List

New Colony Footage

Colony White Paper – Almost Ready

Link to the tweet

Featured Play – “Kozo vs Bozo”

Featured Play – T9 Niamh

Avatar Possibilities – Stats


AR – Astel’s Glaive

Reference image.

Thanks PWA Judges

The official judge’s NFTs have been sent out. Thank you all once again for helping make the 2023 PrimeWiki awards come to life!

Kalos Parallel Jacket

Thanks For Reading.

If you have any questions, please tag me on Twitter @Lleeto26. Don’t forget to follow @Primewiki so you don’t miss future posts. If you’d like to play Parallel then you can use our referral link.
