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A Bundle of Holiday Updates

With Christmas just around the corner, I wanted to share a few joyous updates that have recently trickled through Parallel’s pipelines. The entire team deserves some major love for all of their hard work over the past few weeks, so let’s dive in.

For starters, I appreciate Lleeto’s terrific breakdown of the new Payload feature. Parallel’s second $PRIME sink is off to a successful start, exceeding all tempered expectations.


In fact, thanks to this nifty bot in the Echelon foundation Discord, I can find the total amount spent on Payload at any time. As of Wednesday at 1:00p EST, it was a mind-blowing 261,100 $PRIME. That’s over a quarter-million cards distributed to the community in less than a week.

I swiftly dumped 400 $PRIME into the Payload, and in the true spirit of giving, I received 400 cards in return. I didn’t get anything above Uncommon FE, but the opening experience was still awesome. It was like opening up 40 packs at a frenzied pace, as the cards reveal on ‘pages’ of 10 at a time.

Overall, I more than doubled my base set collection for just a small fraction of earnings accrued over the past six months.

What. A. Deal.

More importantly, I loaded up on many necessary cards for the future Bond I’ll be creating with my closest friends. I believe tapping into the Payload is the easiest way to get a Bond started, as you can easily start building decks with essential common cards.

I also witnessed many friends dipping their toes into the Payload and quickly doubling or tripling their collections. Some of them beat the odds by pulling an SE, a PL, or even a rare frosty green Prime pull.

Combined with my two Artigraph cards, I’ve happily given back 1,300 $PRIME to the Parallel token economy. The Artigraph collection has accrued 292,055 $PRIME in transactions, another wildly successful number.

Having these first two $PRIME sinks launch back-to-back feels quite special in a fuzzy web3 sort of way. Combined with the chatter surrounding the token activation, all the things are happening right now.

It’s a terrific stretch of time in the BPTE (Before Prime Token Era).  


Parallel has finally revealed the official date for Pack Drop VI (PDVI): Saturday, January 14. No details have been shared regarding the price or odds, but rest assured there will be some beautiful Prime assets up for grabs.

Also, directly from CL, the intention is to make the PDVI card functions part of the pack drop rollout, so we should be seeing them sometime in early January.

Over the past few months, the team has been dripping some of the new cards included in the drop. As of now, my top four are:

The Great Enigma

Singularity Portal (PL)

Infused Shaman

Gallian Recombinant


Also per CL, acceptance emails for the Early Access program will not take place until after PDVI.


All year long, the Equipment Tests have been some of my favorite leaks from the team. But this Marcolian Helmet takes the cake. It’s a fascinating object that meshes many Marcolian concepts together.

To me, it looks like a hybrid of a racing helmet and a Spartan helmet. The animation of the liquid plasma visor filling in and illuminating a HUD just hits right. You can also see it being worn by the Vanguard Infiltrator.


I’ve been waiting an extremely long time for this project to get completed, but I’m happy to say that progress is being made on my new Parallel goalie mask.

Back in September, I sent my new Sportmask to my friend and airbrush artist, Robert Howell of SunGod Graphics.

He’s been tasked with painting the Gallian Orator onto my mask, with permission from Parallel. It’s one of my favorite cards from the base set, partially chosen because it perfectly matches my silver and baby blue goalie pads.

I’ve been waiting patiently for progress photos and can’t wait to share the final product. The normal turnaround for a mask is two months max, but all good things come to those who wait.

In closing, I just wanted to wish everyone in the Parallel family happy holidays and Merry Christmas. It’s a time for giving and spreading joy with friends, and I’m seeing a ton of both throughout the entire community.
