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Emerging Lore Series: Earthen

“What was once considered a genetic disorder, passed on for thousands of years, became their salvation, and is now their strength. They are the Earthen.” -Parallel

In the Parallel universe, the human race had to overcome unfathomable odds to survive their exodus from Earth. Despite fracturing into five different groups, each one still found a way to overcome perilous obstacles and keep on living. With these five streams of evolution adding more context to the game’s main storyline, I thought it would be fun to reflect on each Parallel’s emerging lore and archetypes.

Up next in the series is the reverent Earthen.

The five Parallels were initially revealed in February 2021 through a collection of unique and colorful narratives. As the next few months rolled on and the first wave of cards started to weave these individual narratives together, an endless sea of untold stories left plenty to the reader’s imagination. This liberty and freedom to see the emerging lore through our own eyes was a big part of what first drew me into the game.

For myself, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed imagining the Earthen elite as the evolved Druids of the Parallel universe.

The Druids have captured our imagination for 2,000 years because of how little we definitively know about them. Furthermore, most of what we do know about them was passed down by their enemies, the Romans. Naturalists like Pliny the Elder and conquerors like Julius Caesar formed their impressions whilst in hostile territory, so they initially saw most of the natives as savages and barbarians.

Yet even the sophisticated Romans held a level of respect and awe for the shadowy Druids.

“The druids; or the conversion of the Britons to Christianit Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images images@wellcome.ac.uk

Initially regarded as the highest echelon of Gaelic society, the Druids were believed to have the arcane knowledge and insight to judge both civil and spiritual affairs. They also had an innate relationship with the natural world, carrying out sacrifices and rituals that created a deeper bond with their exalted spirits.

In a sense, the same could be seen in the Earthen.

The mystical nature of their card art and flavor text is akin to what I imagine the sketches of an ancient Gymnosophist would look like. Battle-hardened by a washed-out world that was completely ravaged by radiation, the Earthen characters speak their faith in riddles and weave stoic wisdom into every myth and legend.

Similar to the Druids, they also use nature’s endless bounty to enhance their existence. By invoking a set of powerful healing effects, a prominent Earthen archetype comes to life. A deck with the likes of Ceremonial Rites, Cleanse The Earth, and Revitalizing Growth will help you outlast and frustrate even the most aggressive opponents.

As an aside, I can’t help but see the Earthen as the TCG equivalent of Heilung, a musical group that describes itself as Amplified History. If you’re wondering, Heilung means “healing” or “cure” in proto-Germanic. I’ve been fortunate to witness them live twice since 2020, and it truly is a musical experience unlike any other. I challenge you to take a few minutes to listen to Maria Franz’s magical voice and check out some of her mesmerizing outfits.

I mean, come on. Tell me she doesn’t at least remind you a little bit of Shoshanna.

Photograph by Wolfgang Schmitt

Like the Druids, the Earthen also have sacred Relics that act as tools for survival. For example, the Druids were known to use golden sickles to cut Mistletoe from Oak trees. Meanwhile, Gaffar’s Peace Pipe and the Tree of Nehemiah are also cherished Relics found inside their primordial groves.

To put all of this into a larger context, the five Parallels can be thought of as existing on a spectrum. On one end is the Marcolian, who are seen as sinister and ruthless with their blistering heavy attacks. On the other end is the Earthen, who are seen as gentle and righteous pacifists. Even when attacking is an obvious option, units like the Ardent Negotiator and the Emissary of Gaffar can still bring about peace.

Alas, the Earthen are not without their own form of ferocity. When push does come to shove, one simply does not roll over. The Dauntless Axeman, Mizra Loyalist, Kamuy Protector, Grove Guardian, and Rhetorician units see to it that opponents get their fair share of death and destruction. Concurrently, through cunning strategies like Decay and sacrifice, this life-death balance can be beautifully replicated when theory crafting your own Earthen deck.

Because of all this and so much more, it’s not a stretch when I say that the Earthen has been a popular Parallel since Day 1. Their emerging lore resonates deeply with the belief that our planet is both our mother and protector, something I find to be perfectly reflected in Cleanse the Earth’s flavor text:

“We humans can sometimes forget the damage we do to the earth and that the only way to fix it is to wipe the slate clean. Looks like it’s time for a reminder.”


Official Lore: Click here
Landscapes: Arrisah and Primea
Location: Earth
Paragons: Shoshanna, Nehemiah, Gaffar
Other Characters: Ephrath, Jonah, Mawaan, Mizrakadesh, Shaymak, Soleia, Tane  
Effects: Ceremonial Rites, Change of Heart, Cleanse The Earth
Upgrades: Aurora Fungi, Cape of Char Mahal, Malachite Shield, Paradigm Shift
Relics: Gaia’s Call, Gaffar’s Peace Pipe, Life Vault, Shoshanna’s Standard, Staff of Shoshanna, Tree of Nehemiah
Card List: Click Here
Play Style: Control / Aggro-Control


AUTHOR’S NOTE: For this final part, I’m asking an unofficial ambassador to share why their favorite faction is the best. Alas, there’s only one Earthen-loving Parallel Warden with a name that rhymes with a legendary Hobbit, Shillbo Baggins!

Divinely resonant at a united frequency, forever connected are we to our ancestors. Our tribes roam, caring for the planet as it has for us for generations. Defiantly peaceful are our leaders, whose goals are to outlast those who challenge us in battle. We fight; we heal; we survive. And when it’s over, we sit around the fire gazing upon the Tree as Gaffar smokes his pipe and tells tales of a bygone age of serenity. We are the descendants of those that stayed. We are one with our Mother Gaia and one with each other. We will stand and defend our home. We are the Earthen.
