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Emerging Lore Series: Marcolians

“Mars was their home now, and their ideals and egos grew as tall as their towers. What was once a safe refuge and a means for survival, became in their minds the cradle of human civilization anew.” -Parallel

In the Parallel universe, the human race had to overcome unfathomable odds to survive their exodus from Earth. Despite fracturing into five different groups, each one still found a way to escape the decaying planet and keep on living. With these five streams of evolution weaving their way through the game’s main storyline, I thought it would be fun to quickly reflect on each Parallel’s emerging lore and archetypes.

Let’s start with the ruthless Marcolians.

When it came to survival on Mars, one of the biggest threats the Marcolians faced actually stemmed from within. The first humans to board the mighty Soleil Rouge were incredibly brave, yet they foolishly failed to leave the “old ways” behind. This slowed their progress at first, but major reform to these archaic social norms opened the floodgates for amazing new innovations in science and technology.

Eventually, the Marcolians mastered the art of terraforming while concurrently learning how to weaponize solar energy. What had initially been a small research outpost on a dry and barren wasteland became a shining beacon of advanced civilization. The recent Landscapes artwork gives us a great first glimpse of Valli, which is the main artery of the Marcolian life force.

An overhead View of Valli

Once these new technologies were fully unleashed, the Marcolian applied them to their armed forces. Every single Paragon, Unit and Vehicle became a treacherous war machine that was built to seek and destroy. However, their bravado was not completely unbridled; a Marcolian trooper’s ability to manage their emotions and make disciplined, swift decisions became a major key to their military success.

The Marcolian’s audacity on the battlefield might only be matched by their desire to push boundaries in the lab. Orbital Strike. Neutron Bomb. Earthbreaker Cannon. Solar Grenade. Artillery Volley. The Claymore. These weapons are used with such high precision and purpose that some opponents don’t even have a chance to react.

Simply put, there’s not much you can do to stop the Marcolians. You can only hope to contain them. They are bigger, stronger, and smarter. They shoot first and don’t even bother asking questions later because they already know the answers. They are unforgiving, unrelenting, and unfazed.

This only scratches the surface of the Marcolian ethos, but it seems like whatever problems or enemies they face, they have the poise and prowess to overcome them. This reinforces the idea that Marcolians blur the lines between confident and cocky, seeing themselves as the most superior faction.

For it’s hard to beat an enemy that has completely abandoned the notion of ever being defeated.


Official Lore: Click here
Home: Rubra Mesopotamia (Red Meso), Mars
Landscapes: Valli (Capital City)
Ship: The Soleil Rouge
Paragons: Catherine LaPointe, Lemieux, Armoured Division HQ
Other Characters: Bannerman, Grizzled Scout, Ruthless Sergeant, Riflemen, Trigger-Happy Trooper
Vehicles: Ammo Hauler, Lancer Tank, Longbow, Scimitar Scout Bike, Orbital Patrol
Relics: The First Son of Mars, Tactical Display, Interrogation Tools
Card List: Click Here
Play Style: Aggro, Aggro/Combo


AUTHOR’S NOTE: For this final part, I’m asking an unofficial ambassador to share why their favorite faction is the best. Alas, there’s only one human I know with a Marcolian tattoo – Pavel // The Gunslinger.

Virtis Junxit Mors Non Seperabit.

“Whom virtue unites, death will not separate.”

Marcolian is the best Parallel because they understand what’s at stake in the battle for Earth. Marcolians are the descendants of Mars Colonists, their ancestors were the pioneers of making humanity a multiplanetary species. Marcolians carry the torch passed on by the Age of Exploration, not fleeing the planet, but expanding humanity’s reach and grasp. Marcolians cast down the old petty quarrels of religion and politics, embracing the best of human virtues and practices: military duty, the sciences, and the liberal arts.

The Marcolian society is perfectly encompassed in their natural playstyle. To be Marcolian is to be direct and aggressive. Straight forward, no nonsense, well-disciplined soldiers. Everyone has a job to do and knows how to do it and do it well. No individual Marcolian’s life is held above what is best for the people. This is reflected in their willingness of the troops to be sacrificed if it substantiates the difference between victory and defeat. Victory above all in the name of High Command.

Marcolians. It’s time to Take. Back. Earth.
