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Emerging Lore Series: Shroud

“They had purpose and a positivity that can only be attributed to a group of people that willingly chose their own destinies. Courage was in ample supply, but it would eventually be tested.” -Parallel

In the Parallel universe, the human race had to overcome unfathomable odds to survive their exodus from Earth. Despite fracturing into five different groups, each one still found a way to overcome perilous obstacles and keep on living. With these five streams of evolution adding more context to the game’s main storyline, I thought it would be fun to reflect on each Parallel’s emerging lore and archetypes.

The last piece in the series is the enigmatic Shroud.

No matter how you choose to rank the five Parallels, it’s hard to resist the Shroud’s mysterious allure. I mean, just imagine if you actually got to witness one of life’s most mind-blowing existential questions: What happens when you get sucked into a Black Hole?

Nobody knows where the New Dawn went after it crossed the event horizon, but we can certainly wonder about it while we wait for answers. I, for one, imagine the crew saw and felt things so far beyond the veil of our normal five senses that they were transformed into a civilization of omnipotent beings with ESP.


In short, I don’t think they ended up somewhere. I think they ended up everywhere.

Ironically, this bizarre twist of fate led the Shroud to discover the most powerful weapon in the Parallel universe: The Singularity.

The Singularity is a special in-game feature that offers a strategic edge for the Shroud. Think of it as a gated funnel; you can “banish” units to it and then turn around and use them to your advantage. Being able to add and remove cards from this funnel is a big reason why the Shroud is often loathed by many of the playtesters roaming the Dojo.

With the constant threat of the Singularity always looming in the distance, the Shroud is like an invisible army that never sleeps. Units like the Fanatical Crewman, Honored Steward, Shepherd of the Fallen, and Voidrunner whisper a cacophony of incantations to banish cards from the board. Relics like the Collapsing Star and Pocket Dimension also play a key role in this strategy. Then you can top it off with high-energy Effects like Demolecularize, Dark Dealings, Unseen Allies, and The Void Unleashed to obliterate your enemy.

There are many more spooky Shroud cards to enjoy, but I believe none reflect their true beauty more than Reality Manipulator. Entrapped somewhere between matter and nothingness, a godlike figure appears to be emerging out of an exploding stellar nursery. It is dissonant, haunting, and even slightly Phantasmagoric.

Finally, to wrap up my appreciation for the Shroud’s innerworkings, behold the Mortal Echo. This card not only has an eye-popping Perfect Loop version, but it is the only Upgrade in the entire base set (so far) that can attach itself to an enemy unit.

Even with all of these cosmic forces and illusionary strategies at your disposal, as a Shroud loyalist since Day 1, I beg you to heed this simple warning: Trying to harness the Singularity to end your opponent could just as easily be the end of you.

Far too many times I’ve tried to weave this thread of interstellar destruction, only to suddenly find myself with an empty deck. No more units to feed my portals. No more defenders to withstand an attack. Nothing but the nakedness of a restless void and the shock of inevitable defeat.

I can admit that nothing beats the intoxicating rush of a successful Singularity slap. But sometimes the hardest enemy the Shroud will face is the one that has no face at all. If you feed the deep unknown for a second too long, the darkness that surrounds you will become a reflection of your own.

By its very nature, the Singularity is a searing reminder of the Shroud’s menacing dualism. If you choose to represent them, you must first accept the noble burden of the constant inner struggle between light and dark, good and evil, and most importantly, control and chaos.

Sumus principium et finis omnium. “We are the beginning and end of everything.”

Can you wield the power of the Singularity and resist the madness? Or will it become your ultimate demise?   


Official Lore: Click here
Landscapes: The New Dawn
Location: ???
Paragons: Brand // Niamh // New Dawn
Other Characters: Bela, Bora, Leonid    
Effects: Ashes to Ashes, Beseech the Gifted, Cost of Creation, Dark Allure, Dark Dealings, Demolecularize, Enthalpy’s Grasp, Entropy’s Reach, Erasure, Life Siphon, Mind Twister, Sacred Destruction, Unseen Allies
Upgrades: Exposed Secrets, Mortal Echo
Relics: Collapsing Star, Dimension Shifter, Paradox, Pocket Dimension, Void Crystal     
Card List: Click here
Play Style: Control / Control-Combo


AUTHOR’S NOTE: For this final part, I’m asking an unofficial ambassador to share why their favorite faction is the best. Alas, it’s time we hear from the loyal Warden with a passion for memes and lovable // emojis, Dave, The TCG Beard!

Here on the New Dawn, new Shroud players learn how to Banish their opponent’s Units, draw from the Waste, and unleash chaos from the void. For Shroud, all resources are used to win a match– including your health points. Three Paragons (New Dawn, Brand, and Niamh) are ready to assist you in your quest to control Earth. Do you think you have what it takes to control the Singularity? Can you stand to take hits while setting up your “big play”? Then you might be ready for the most enigmatic and mysterious parallel: The Shroud.

Dave // the TCG Beard