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Governance Update 9.23.22

Echelon Community Votes

Voting commenced this week on the current Echelon Governance proposals. As of Thursday Sep 22 @ 9:38pm ET these were the vote totals for the respective proposals:

Before we talk through each proposal, let’s discuss what governance is.

What is Governance?

Governance is the system of direction and control used to manage an entity.

In this case the Echelon Foundation has established a system that involves and empowers the community. This means the community has the ability to propose and effect changes that the governing body of EPs ultimately manage. It’s a great way to include and grow the community. To learn more on the actual governance mechanics, check out the Prime Update from June 2022. The commencement of voting marks another milestone in a year packed with them for Echelon.

Current Proposals

The first proposal we’ll look at is the Echelon Contributor Comp Fund [TIER 1].


There are many who selflessly contribute to Parallel and Echelon. Discord moderators, for example. Mods have early access to Parallel testing and other benefits like pack reservations and #friendship. But what if there was another benefit? This proposal presents a new way for the community to say thanks and give back.


Mods are just one example of people that contribute to Parallel and Echelon. There are many other individuals and groups that make things/or participate in ways that benefit the community. This proposal is a great way to reward them. At the current voting numbers this has community approval and would likely pass. To understand voting approval thresholds, check the Prime Update from June 2022.

The second proposal is Distribution of Royalties of Masterpieces Changed [TIER 3].


Right now each MP got separate pool and gets 1/5 of 5% of royalties for trades of matching playable cards. This pool (let’s call it individual pool) would still remain but gains would lower to 1/50 to 1/10 of 5% of matching playable cards. Remaining 1/10 to 1/50 of 5% would go to new pool (let’s call it collective pool) which would be shared among all MPs (so all Mps contribute to this pools) and rewards would be split evenly among all (cashed) MPs. This would flatten the extreme incomes – MP with the highest income would still have it the highets but closer to MP with the lowest income (which would have it higher by that amount but still the lowest). And MP with average income would keep it the same.


This proposal aims to change a key reward mechanic for holders of MP cards. It’s a bold proposal, but one that is not likely to pass due to its controversial nature and its difficulty rating to implement. At the current vote count, this would not pass as it neither has the support (more voting against than for), nor the needed vote threshold.

The last proposal up for vote is the Shared Project Information Database [TIER 2].


Builders from the Echelon and Parallel communities are creating tools for community use. Information from current and future games should be accessible to the community to encourage further development. Creating a shared repository that indexes a standard set of information such as Project Whitepapers, APIs, Media Kits, etc should be made available.


This proposal is asking the community to vote on a technical resource that will make it easier for developers to build with. This toolkit is a conduit for developers and builders to access information. Not just any information though, accurate information from the source(s) of truth on the matter. At the current vote count, it appears that it could pass, but it will need approximately 2,000 more affirmative votes to push through.

Voting Matters

Once again, the community participation in the Echelon Assembly shows that there is value in working with your community. The community can come up with ideas that have value, and create a flywheel of growth as they continually build, interact, and improve within the ecosystem. This early success should give the Echelon Foundation confidence in the launch of this mechanism and help them continue to flesh ideas and tools out with the help of the community.
