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July Recap

Hello and welcome to the July Recap. The July Recap is a look back at the month from July 4th to July 31st and everything that happened in Parallel and Echelon News.

July was another big month for Parallel with some incredible new art releases and key events taking place. It’s staggering to look back at almost a full month and see everything that Parallel has created and released. Let’s jump right in.

Prime Teaser

//Artist @oscarmarstudio

//Audio @cypheraudio

On July 25th, Parallel released this teaser trailer, featuring Marcolian Warden on their quest to locate Prime. The quality of the video, sound, and story raised the bar yet again for the art team. The sound in particular was goosebump inducing:

Not only was the video only produced by just two people, one of them, Oscar Mar, worked on it while having Covid.

The Parallel community and CT were buzzing for days after the video.

PD4 Parasets, Surge Key, Surge Key Snapshot, Prime + Renown = Echo, and Surge Key’s In-game Function Announced

On July 13th, PD4 Parasets, Surge Key, Surge Key Snapshot, and Prime + Renown = Echo were all announced. Summarizing them briefly here:

Parallel cards are each made with a limited supply. Cards range from editions of 1 to 60,000. 

To enable more players to enter the ecosystem, more cards need to be created. The only way that more cards can be created is by using the native token of Prime with Renown earned by playing the game. Without Renown, players and market participants cannot create Echos. 

On July 15th, the value of the Surge Key became apparent. The Surge Key’s in-game function: significantly boost renown gained from winning games. This means that if people are planning to create Echos it would be advantageous to have a Surge Key to boost their Renown for winning games.

Do you have a Sparky Key yet anon?

Discord AMA with Wardens and Merchant

July 17th

Earlier this summer the Wardens were given access to the gray box client to help test the game. To share their experience with the community the Wardens held an AMA with Merchant’s help on July 17th. 

Echelon News

On July 12th the Caching of Parallel cards on Echelon’s website went live. To learn more about Caching, check out this article. Happy card owners posted screenshots of their cached sets and cards in Discord and on Twitter:

Shortly after caching began Prime rewards went live on July 18th. Every day we check our caching rewards. Good rewards.

PK Hoodies Live For Redemption

The long awaited PK Hoodie redemptions were announced on July 27th. Trumpets sounded, strong men cried, and I even heard rumors that one child spoke its first words (they were ‘Looks rare’).

The feedback from the community was extremely positive including one of our beloved whales running a contest to spread the hoodie love!

PDV In September

On July 28th it was announced that PDV (Pack Drop Five) would take place in September. On Aug 18th, it was announced that it would take place on September 10th. More details followed and to learn more, check out our article on it here.


July was another busy month for art releases. It felt like every day a new card was being released. The artwork continued to get better, which led some to ask the question: have the artists gone too far? Is the art too good? You be the judge.

July 5th

Leonid, Wielder of Corruption

/Artist @nachoyague

July 6th

Mortal Echo

//Artist @_chrisbjerre

LAR [composability]

July 7th

Black Market Fixer [PL]

//Artist @TaehoonPark9

In game design

July 8th

Hijack [PL]

//Artist @DhenzelObeng

Rug Poll [AR]

July 9th

Beseech the Gifted [PL]

//Artist @vinogrdova

July 14th

Aetian Subjugate [PL]

//Artist @TaehoonPark9

Improvised Tactics

//Artist @vinogrdova

July 16th

Nanobot [Token]

//Artist @cafaro_oscar

July 17th

A.E.G.I.S Generator

//Artist @cafaro_oscar

Marcolian // Orbital Patrol [Hi res model WIP]

July 18th

Crew Boss [PL]

//Artist @nachoyague

Kathari Backup Copy [AR Objects]

July 19th

Marcolian // Longbow Personnel Carrier [AR Vehicles]

July 20th

Shroud // Spider Drone


//Artists @cafaro_oscar + @CSimultan

July 21st

Pyrrhic Victory

//Artist @TaehoonPark9

July 22nd

Technophobic Warrior

//Artist @_chrisbjerre

July 25th

The Swarm [Token]

//Artist @cafaro_oscar

July 26th

Augencore // Jury Rigged Juggernaut [AR Collectibles]

July 27th

Stoic Sellsword

//Artist @vinogrdova

Beacon of Gnaeus – Details and Process behind the vehicles and equipment in the Parallel world

Marcolian // Ruthless Sergeant [Highres model WIP]

July 28th

//Kathari – Hydrolist Chamber [AR]

July 29th

The Marcolian Capital City, Valli

//Lanscape Artist @janurschel

July 30th

Arrisah Skyscout

//Artist @_chrisbjerre
