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Kathari vs. Marcolian – Gameplay Example 3

This week I’m continuing the series focused on Gameplay Examples. This series walks you through what it is like to play Parallel TCG, which is still in closed grey box testing. The team looks to open up for alpha and beta testing in 2023 prior to the eventual game launch.

Card functions are available on Parallel.Life and will be discussed at length here in this example.

Remember, the game is still in active development. Any card functions, costs, or details are subject to change prior to game launch.

Current Board State

Here is where we left things off last time. The Marcos had a strong board presence and we didn’t have any momentum.

Turn seven begins with us drawing Cunning Scipian.

We bank Stoic Sellsword and play Solar Grenade to destroy ICR and do two damage to BMF. We play Cunning Scipian and end our turn, which creates a Kathari Iterant.

Marco Response Seven

The Marco response makes quick work of the board presence we built. Marco banks, plays Orbital Strike and does 5 damage, trades BMF for Kathari Iterant, and clears Cunning Scipian with PS-8 Launcher.

Kathari Turn Eight

In turn eight we draw Supply and Demand and play it immediately. We draw two cards, Genetic Correction and Unnatural Selection. We play Unnatural Selection, discard Genetic Correction, and draw Seeing Triple.

Marco Response Eight

The Marcos respond by banking a card, playing Lancer Tank, and do four damage to us. They then play Trigger Happy Trooper, who is buffed by Catherine’s passive. They end turn and draw a card.

Kathari Turn Nine

In turn nine we draw Memento of the Fallen and play Annihilate to remove Lancer Tank. We then play Seeing Triple and create three Gallian Iterants. We end our turn and don’t draw a card since we didn’t bank.

Marco Response Nine

Marcos respond by drawing a card and attacking Gallian Iterant with Trigger Happy Trooper. THT kills one Gallian Iterant and does one damage to face for both player. Marco plays Ruthless Sergeant, burns a banked card, and kills another Gallian Iterant. Finally, they play Mercenary Gunslinger, who kills the last Gallian Iterant, and is buffed to a 2, 2 from Catherine’s Passive.

Board State at the End of Turn Nine

We’re in trouble. The Marcos have beaten back our every play, clearing board time after time, all while doing significant damage. At 13 health, we’re only a few major plays away from defeat. We will need the heart of the cards to salvage this one, and even then, there probably isn’t a card or combo that can save the match. You never know what’s going to happen in a game of Parallel though, which is why you play the game. Until next week!
