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This week I’m continuing the series focused on Gameplay Examples. This series walks you through what it is like to play Parallel TCG, which is still in closed grey box testing. The team looks to open up for alpha and beta testing in 2023 prior to the eventual game launch.

Card functions are available on Parallel.Life and will be discussed at length here in this example.

Remember, the game is still in active development. Any card functions, costs, or details are subject to change prior to game launch.

Current Board State

Here is where we left things off last time. There’s no other way to say it, we’re in dire need of a come-back.

Kathari Turn 10

Turn 10 begins with us drawing Annihilate.

We don’t have many options here, so we decide to remove Trigger Happy Trooper with Annihilate.

Marco Response 10

The Marcolians continue their efficient march to victory. They draw and play Crack Shot for three damage to face. They do two damage to face with Mercenary Gunslinger. Then they play Catherine and end their turn and do four damage to face.

Kathari Turn 11

Turn 11 begins with us at four health and we draw Rangsei.

We play Rangsei and copy Catherine. We then play Memento of the Fallen and attach it to our Cath. We end our turn, hoping that our Cath targets theirs. We’re left disappointed, as our Cath attacks face, doing five damage to the enemy effectively leaving us open for the kill shot.

Marco Response 11

The Marcos go for the win. They draw and play TE4, doing three damage to Cath. Then they trade their MG for Cath. Finally, they end their turn and Catherine attacks our face, ending the game.

It wasn’t ever really a battle. We couldn’t get any momentum going and the Marcos marched almost unscathed to victory. Our goal to outlast and speed run our deck to 0 for our Aetio slap didn’t work out. It’s back to the drawing board for this Kathari deck.

There are two things that if you have been keeping a close eye on, you will have noticed. One is an error in card mechanics – ie. I made a mistake. At one point in the game, we attacked the Marcos and didn’t properly account for something. The other is an error in strategy. There is a fatal flaw in the Kathari deck. If you find them and are the first to point it out to me, there is a prize for you (I might have made more than those two errors).

Author’s Note

Lastly, I want to acknowledge Mr. Gone and Merchant. Creating these articles and going through the exercise of manually recreating the game was no small feat. It gave me an appreciation for all the work they have put in to making the game. Their job was even more difficult because they had to conceptualize the cards, mechanics, visuals, and more. I am lucky to have a lot of info to go on.

Some insight to the process: I used pencil and paper to track each step and cross off a tick mark for each turn spent. I also created the decks on paper, and made sure to cross off each card as I ‘drew’ them. There are definitely some improvements that can be made to this style of article, like recording actual gameplay, but we can’t do that right now.

I hope you enjoyed this series and we look to build more content like this in the future. Until next time!
