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Pack Drop Five [PDV]

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The fifth Pack Drop installment.

On August 24th, Parallel Announced the date of PDV to be September 10, 2022. They noted that the process would look very similar to PDIV. This came as welcome news to the community, with PDIV being the smoothest pack drop to date.

“Wow. That was a great pack opening experience from start to finish! Nice job @ParallelNFT


Many people were also extremely happy with the card composition of packs. They were chalk full of SE cards and Twitter was an endless scroll of Prime pulls.

So what else do we need to know about PDV?

The details on how to qualify for Manifest were shared here:

Over 4,100 wallets qualified for Manifest. As the kids say, “We like the cards.”

PDV looks to be the best Pack Drop yet. If you have any questions on how to participate, visit the Parallel Discord server and a friendly Mod or community member will help you out there: Parallel Discord server.
