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Parallel Recap: Nov 21st – Nov 28th

Hello and welcome back to my weekly recap. I’m Lleeto and I look forward to documenting the Parallel and Echelon events that have happened this week.

Due to the thanksgiving holiday week – there’s not as much to report on so the recap is a little shorter.

Echelon Monthly Recap:

Here you can read the monthly Echelon recap from Coldplunge. I will list some of the most important points from the recap below.

Upcoming Dates:

December 2-4: Internal Emissary Prime Election –  EPs will rank each other in order of preference and four will continue for a second term, exempt from running in the general election.

December 5: Announcement of Elected Four

The previous Echelon monthly recap proposed a rule that EPs would host community calls before voting on Bulletins. Echelon has decided to extend this concept to all votes.

Roughly six weeks from now, a proposal to unlock PRIME will be put forward. In accordance with the updated governance flow, Echelon will host a precursory community call to discuss the implications of immediate transferability. The decision should not be taken lightly — ample room for dialogue and consideration is key.

In the coming weeks, Echelon will release a Bulletin with updates on sinks, card lending, Ardent Prime, and more.

New Card Art:

//Augencore: H.A.D.E.S War Mech
//Shroud: Power Instructor
//Universal: Furious Studen [Token: spawned from Inspiring Teacher]

Talk Show:

Parallel is no stranger to the YungContent show. As Parallel was exploding into the crypto space back in 2021 YungContent was a huge fan and so invited them onto the show many many times.

Be sure to tune in as there is always the possibility of some alpha.


Thanks For Reading.

I hope I have helped to keep you up-to-date with the Parallel world. If you have any questions then please feel free to tag me on Twitter @Lleeto26. Don’t forget to follow @Primewiki so you don’t miss future posts. We have some exciting stuff planned that we think you’ll enjoy.
