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Parallel Weekly Recap: Jan 16th – Jan 23rd

Hello and welcome back to my weekly recap. I’m Lleeto and I look forward to documenting the Parallel and Echelon events that have happened over the past week.

Starter Decks + Coinbase Partnership

Parallel announce their partnership with Coinbase to distribute NFT starter decks.

There will be 45,000 starter decks which will contain 40 NFT cards each and include a short strategy guide for the deck.

For the chance to win a free starter deck follow Paralleltcg on Twitter and retweet any or all of the below tweets.

Earthen, Marcolian, Kathari, Augencore, and Shroud.

Surge Key Out of Game Utility

At a date that is yet to be announced, there will be a snapshot taken of all Surge Key holders. If you hold a Surge Key through this snapshot you will receive one ParallelTCG starter deck for free.

Parallel Store

Aimed to launch in February, Parallel will be rolling out their online store. Users will be able to spend $PRIME tokens, $Eth, and USD to purchase digital, NFT, and physical items. For example, comics, collectibles, starter decks, paragon skins / emotes, and more!

See below for an idea of what you will be able to find in the store.

Gravity Key

Owners who hold a PD6 ParaSet through a future snapshot will receive one Gravity Key per PD6 ParaSet held.

I absolutely love the in-game function of this key. The anticipation and hope going into each game to win and roll something cool will definitely add an extra level of excitement and desire to win each game.

The official ParaSet list has yet to be announced, but we do know you’ll need to include Vengeful Ally [SE] to complete the PD6 SE ParaSet.

Faucet – Vengeful Ally

The 6th Parallel Faucet took place this past weekend. Users could claim their Vengeful Ally card for free minus an Ethereum transaction fee.

The Faucet was loading up with Vengeful Ally [FE] and Vengeful Ally [SE]. Those lucky enough to draw the SE version would also receive the FE version.

The Masterpiece version of the card which is a 1/1 copy will be given away to a random user of the Vengeful Ally Faucet.

Comic 2 date

Masterpiece + Prime Key packs

If you held a Masterpiece or Prime Key through the snapshot taken on January 14th at 9 am EST you can now head here to claim your NFT reservation for a PD6 pack.

Holders of Masterpieces through this snapshot will also receive 0.195 Ethereum in order to pay the price to open the pack reservation.

Kalos Earthen Deck Breakdown

Excellent thread from Kalos [Parallel founder] talking about some of his favorite cards to use in his Earthen deck, and how they interact and are utilized. I really recommend you take the time to read this along with the one from Fitch if you plan to play the game.

Fitch Marcolian Deck Breakdown

Excellent thread from Fitch talking about some of his favorite cards to use in his Marcolian deck, and how they interact and are utilized. I really recommend you take the time to read this along with the one from Kalos if you plan to play the game.

Unclaimed Packs

Prime Sink Data

Data captured on Jan 23rd at 2:28 pm EST


Starting to see some activity of Poker pros representing Parallel clothing at the tables.

PD6 Artigraphs


Kalos: “Keyframing in Parallel is a reward amplifier for players – a meta-game around optimizing wins for renown, $prime, win streaks, or other rewards like NFTs, paragon skins, emotes and more. It has no impact on card functions.

Below you can see a concept art of all the keys being framed.


Hearthstone announced their tenth year of competitive Hearthstone this week. Many fans of the TCG were not happy at all, with many claiming it is the end of Hearthstone.

With Parallel TCG shaping up to launch their Alpha testing next month and full game release by end of the year, many in the community saw it as a great time to promote the game to the unhappy Hearthstone community members.

Parallel themselves noticed the opportunity to onboard some new users. Below you can see one of the many tweets that Parallel sent on the matter.

Thanks For Reading.

If you have any questions then please feel free to tag me on Twitter @Lleeto26. Don’t forget to follow @Primewiki so you don’t miss future posts. We have some exciting stuff planned that we think you’ll enjoy.
