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Patch .53 Review

This week, MadProf is back with another Patch Review over Patch .53 and the important things to know about Season 6. Check out the details below!

Understanding Patch .53

This month’s patch focuses more on bug fixes and UI/UX updates to better improve the player experience, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t exciting things to come in Patch .53. Season 6: Scarlet Fury, introducing a new Marcolian Legendary Unit and a pretty killer in-game Title. Additionally, the game gets High Stakes Tournaments! Players can compete at top levels and earn Prime! 

First thing’s first, let’s break down the Season 6: Scarlet Fury Battle Pass card.

Move over, Catherine, there’s a new crazy in town! The Scarlet Daughter is the picture of fury. (See what I did there?) Artist Sasha Vinogradova has done it again, capturing the madness of this new character perfectly. Cendrillon is a split card, a feature unique to the Marcolian faction introduced in the Planetfall expansion. Unit on one side, Effect on the other, this Battle Pass card is insanity. As a Unit, Cendrillon is a 4/4 with the following ability: 

“On attack, this unit deals 2 damage to another random enemy and friendly unit.” 

Looking at Cendrillon, there is no mistaking the bloodlust that lives within her, and she will complete her mission, regardless of who is in the way. And her mission is to burn… everything. 

As an effect card, titled Rend From Earth, this card’s ability is: 

“Deal 3 damage to each unit and player.”

Now, either side has the same cost of 5 energy and you can decide which side to play when you pay the cost. Split cards are great for adaptability mid-game and Cendrillon can certainly change the flow. Between the two sides, I favor the Effect more, simply for the devastation it can have on a Kathari opponent’s clone masses. Cendrillon feels like a Hail Mary to me, with the random damage going to friendlies as well. Thematically beautiful, yes, but mechanically tough to include. Marcolian units tend to have lower health, which means playing her can potentially wreck your board presence. Crew Bosses and Fire Support Bases would help build those defenses, though. Whichever side you play, though, it’s a solid answer to the Kathari menace swarming Ranked play. 

Additionally, since this is a Battle Pass card, when it’s minted, you receive a copy of the Unit and the Effect art. It’s a BOGO, baby, and who can resist that? 

This Season’s level 33 title is a banger. Who doesn’t want to rock “Devastator” rolling into a Ranked Match? Feels a bit like psychological warfare, if you ask me. And I love it. Makes me want to quit my job and play Parallel for a living.

Compared to Patch .52, there are surprisingly few card changes in Patch .53. Only three to be exact. 

Amperage’s change sadly didn’t include a cost reduction, but it no longer goes into the bank revealed. So while it no longer auto-buffs other Units like Universal Soldier, it does give Kozo something to find. It’s not a change that makes me rush to slap it into my Auggie decks, either way. Despite being potentially damaging versus Marcolian and Kathari, it’s not very satisfying to play. Especially for 3 energy. 

The Astel’s Glaive change, on the other hand, is crazy good and I need to get my hands on one. The ability to deal damage to adjacent units on attack was supercharged into when it deals combat damage. Now, you can slap Defender on that bad boy and force the opponent to pick what units they want to lose. It’s a great add for Earthen and Augencore. 

Lastly, is Miasmancer. This change seems more like a clarification than anything. Assault is simply a Muster with a prerequisite. It seems natural that Miasmancer would also prevent Assault abilities. Mechanically, this is an upgrade, but it really just closes the loophole Marcolians had to avoid this nasty ability. This card is definitely working its way into all my decks. 
Bug fixes related to cards and gameplay can all be found here, and while there weren’t a crazy amount of fixes, they were all needed for the health of the game. The Patch cadence and timing in fixes is starting to improve from my standpoint. It’s great to see things the community mentions getting the attention they need from the team. 

Thank you!

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