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Recap 26th Sept – 3rd Oct

Hello and welcome back to my Parallel weekly recap. I’m Lleeto and I look forward to documenting the Parallel and Echelon events that have happened this week.

Topics covered in this post include, tutorial NPC, Echelon recap highlights, Emotes, plus more!

Echelon September Recap:

Coldplunge is back with another Echelon monthly recap, this time covering September. Below I will highlight some key points from the post with a very exciting closing point for those of you who are eagerly awaiting to learn more about the Ardent Prime Program.

You can head back to the Echelon Prime Update here to learn about the Ardent Prime Program which starts from section 5.0.

Echelon Litepaper:

There have been so many papers released over the course of this journey from Echelon as they have developed and presented their operational foundations. This has made it somewhat messy when trying to scour for specific information, and you often can find yourself jumping from one paper to another.

Now, to combat this – Echelon have released their Litepaper. This Litepaper doesn’t include absolutely everything from the previously released papers, however, it does include the vast majority in a very digestible format.

Echelon Proposal Voting Concludes:

PrimeWiki Contest winners:

Thank you to everyone that participated in not only the PrimeWiki’s first-ever contest giveaway but also the first-ever Parallel deck building contest.

It was truly exciting watching you all theory craft and discuss your decks in the Parallel discord and then have so many enter the competition.

Congratulations to the winners. We hope to host more contests and giveaways going forward.

Prismatic Key Snapshot:

The Prismatic Key snapshot has been taken! Those of you who were holding PDV Parasets through the snapshot on Friday, September 30th at 5pm EDT will be receiving the Prismatic Key shortly!

Twitter Spaces:

In this Parallel Spaces, you can listen to Cali, Fitch, MrGone, and Bhavin talk about theory crafting and deck building. They discuss developing metas, how the Parallels work, general deck construction, card combos, playstyles, important staple cards, and much more. I couldn’t recommend listening to this spaces more. Check it out below!

New card art:

//Shroud: Engine Whisperer
//Kathari: Valerusi Striker
//Augencore: Resourceful Smith [PL]

Tutorial NPC:

This is the first time we have seen mention of a tutorial NPC. We can only assume that First Mate Marlo will be a character new players can compete against to learn the game. Possibly he’ll reward an apparition starter deck to get players on their way?


Lately, we have seen many landscape shots of our favorite Parallels home grounds. Now, Parallel are really starting to treat us with lively video of these landscapes, as first seen in the Approaching Valli video from last week’s recap.

Jan Urschel really is doing an incredible job creating these beautiful cinematic landscapes with accompanying audio from Cypher.

This week we are treated to the behind-the-scenes of Augencore’s CAINE-1 reactor core halls where Augencore technicians can be seen roaming.

Next up we have this POV video of an aircraft flying into the Kathari city of Sepulii with Jupiter sitting gloriously in the backdrop:

Paragon Emotes:

These Paragon emote reveals are really coming in thick and fast with four more shared with us over this past week:


Possible Concept Art Card:

The artist behind Machine Whisperer shared this concept art of the new card with hints that it could be a future concept art card.


Thanks for reading.

I hope I have helped to keep you up-to-date with the Parallel world. If you have any questions then please feel free to tag me on Twitter @Lleeto26. Don’t forget to follow @Primewiki so you don’t miss future posts. We have some exciting stuff planned that we think you’ll enjoy.
