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We Like the Artigraphs

Another week in December, another project rollout for Parallel.

Just five days after announcing their Early Access program, the team revealed the Artigraph collection.

The Artigraph is a new cryptographic signature card series that rewards both collectors and the teamā€™s talented artists. It is also the very first $PRIME sink activated by the Echelon foundation.


Straight from the website’s FAQ page, ā€œAn Artigraph is a Parallel Alpha card that is digitally autographed by the artist that designed it.ā€

Lleeto’s Weekly Recap offers an excellent summary of the collection, so be sure to give that a read. As an addendum, hereā€™s where the Artigraph collection stands as of yesterday (12/13) afternoon:

ā€œThere are a total of 488 unique IDs possible (234 FE, 233 SE, 21 PL). We have 218 unique token IDs made into Artigraphs so far (145 SE, 52 FE, 21 PL). That equals 628 total Artigraphs created by 226 wallets/holders.ā€

Jake //

Huge stick-tap to Jake // from the Warden crew for these numbs.


Getting an Artigraph card requires $PRIME token. Just go to Echelon.io and claim it if youā€™ve got it.

Once youā€™ve loaded up, head over to Parallelā€™s website and connect your wallet. Navigate to the Cards section and view any card in your collection. On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see a block for upgrading to an Artigraph. Click to initiate the transaction and youā€™re good to go.

Once the transactions are complete, youā€™ll see a slick animation of the digital signature being applied to the card. Remember that this burns the original NFT, so it is replaced with the new Artigraph version.


I had to wait until Saturday morning, but I snagged a few beauties as soon as I could.

I started by upgrading one of my most coveted cards, Memento of the Fallen. Burning the blue SE version gave me a coveted 1-of-3 Artigraph version in return. That cost 450 $PRIME.

Next, I went with a Shroud beauty, Void Crystal. Upgrading this SE made sense because there’s an ā€œActiveā€ and ā€œInactiveā€ version, so it became another 1-of-3 edition. That cost another 450 $PRIME.

Burning nearly 10 percent of my $PRIME seems like a lot, but as a passionate collector, it was a no-brainer. Iā€™m more than happy to give 11 percent of that 900 $PRIME to one of my favorite Parallel artists. Thatā€™s just good karma, right? Iā€™m also going to earn most of that $PRIME back fairly quickly since I have a few Cornerstone NFTs cached.

All in all, I would say that the Artigraph upgrade experience was a really simple and enjoyable way to put some of that juicy $PRIME to good use. As someone who really respects the artistic integrity of the team, it is an honor to reward them with a small percentage of my $PRIME earnings.

There are so many more layers at work here, so feel free to check out the Echelon Discord if you want your voice to be heard on the subject!


Since the Artigraph collection is focused on rewarding the artists, I thought this was a good opportunity to shine a mini spotlight on Oscar Mar. He’s the artist behind both of the shiny new additions to my // collection.

Prior to Parallel, Mar worked as a Lead Motion Designer and Graphic Design Director at Electronic Arts and Ubisoft. As one of Parallel’s original co-founders, Oscar made the difficult decision chose to forego all other projects for the foreseeable future.

It takes bravery to leave a “cushy” job to pursue an inner creative calling. This is one of the main reasons why I want to support Oscar through the Artigraph collection. I can only hope that he continues to find daily inspiration as he continues to build out the Parallel universe.

Every Parallel artist has a special creative journey and unique style that they bring to the team. But I love knowing that the longer they work together, the more cohesive the Parallel universe will look. Essentially, I appreciate the individual styles and their differences, but I almost love seeing how they mesh together even more.

Watching Oscar’s vision unfold over the past two years has been a treat to watch. May it continue in blissful earnest as we inch ever closer to that highly-anticipated Closed Alpha launch!
